DCA & Construction
Requests for Inspections - Call 908-713-0722
Smoke certification application
Lead-based paint inspections required for all rental dwellings
Pursuant to New Jersey P.L.2021, Chapter 182, all rental dwelling units constructed before 1978 must be inspected for lead-based paint hazards. This inspection must take place either within two years from the law's effective date, which is July 2, 2022, or upon tenant turnover, whichever occurs first. Property owners that own a rental dwelling unit(s) built before 1978 should see the information detailed below:
Employ a Certified Lead Contractor to Conduct a Lead Inspection
The Department of Community Affairs certifies firms that provide lead evaluation or abatement services. You can find a list of eligible contractors for your inspection at by clicking here.
Fees: Costs for a private inspector are determined by the chosen vendor.
To ensure compliance with the law, please:
Email the LEAD-SAFE/LEAD-FREE certificate obtained from a state-approved private vendor (as indicated in Option 1); or
Drop off in-person at 407 Hope Great Meadows Road, Hope, NJ 07844 during office hours.
Hope Township passed Ordinance No. 2023-04 which mandates that lead inspections are the responsibility of the homeowner/landlord. Please see Chapter 28 of Hope Township’s eCode for further information regarding this ordinance.
Please note: Failing to obtain a LEAD-SAFE or LEAD-FREE certificate by July 2024 may result in a fine